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Contact | Roshd Biotechnology Solutions – RBS


Stay in touch with us

Company Introduction

Roshd Biotechnology Solutions (RBS Co.) was established in December 2015 with the efforts of a group of professionals who each have over 20 years of experience in management and leadership in High Tech, biotechnology, health, treatment and collegiate research centers.

The company founders, managers and staff have set their goals as supplying, procurement and production of materials, tools, devices, laboratory, pharmaceutical and biotechnology equipment to improve efficiency and quality for our colleagues in the field of public health community, pharmaceutical and laboratory industry.

RBS has begun its work with the aim of knowledge and wealth synergies by putting the new ideas and research results into operation and mass production of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical and laboratory equipment.

With a view to taking advantage of the knowledge of the world in the field of biotechnology and the use of skilled forces and experts we hope to take a step towards promotion of technology and improvement of public health.

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